
HomeSolutionFermentation of Escherichia coli Spores by Microorganisms
  • Escherichia coli fermentation solution
    Escherichia coli provides a complete fermentation process package and technical equipment from shake flasks to glass jars, and then to industrial large-scale production, until qualified products are produced.
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  • Yeast fermentation solution
  • Fermentation Scheme of Bacillus subtilis
    Bacillus subtilis, as a widely used industrial microorganism, plays an important role in the fields of biofertilizers, biopesticides, enzyme preparations, and food industry due to its strong environmental adaptability, efficient metabolic capacity, and safe production characteristics. This program aims to provide a comprehensive and detailed Bacillus subtilis fermentation plan, covering all aspects from strain selection and preparation to storage and application.
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  • One stop integrated solution for biopharmaceutical laboratory engineering
    The construction of biopharmaceutical laboratories involves multiple aspects, including laboratory design and planning, equipment procurement and installation, environmental control, etc. The traditional construction method often requires schools or enterprises to contact suppliers and contractors at various stages on their own, which leads to problems such as inconvenient project management and high communication costs. A one-stop integrated solution can integrate all aspects together, with a professional team responsible for the entire process, providing customers with more convenient and efficient services.
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